Saturday, January 25, 2014

Minecraft Adventures: The Weirdest Mining Sessions

First of all, it will not be weekly. It will be whenever I want. So like 2-3 times a week? Sounds about right. Second order of business, it's going to be called Minecraft Adventures. Not My Minecraft. That just sucks.

All right let's get started. Let's start with what happened after the last adventure. I basically got nothing from my mining session. Yep, nothing. But wait... didn't you get like a lot of stuff down there in the mineshafts? Well, yeah but for no fucking reason I spawned there WITHOUT the resources I collected or the items I had before I went down there. Sigh. I did /kill and spawned in my old house. I spent the night there before I went on this big mining expedition since it is closer to the mineshaft than my new house. I took the "rail system" to my new house to get there easily.

To add insult to injury: it was raining. Well, fuck. As if losing 15 diamonds weren't enough.

I made new armor, weapons, tools and other essentials before heading out to a new cave to make up for all the lost resources. If you look closely you'll see some diamond, emerald and redstone ore.

Already making up for it. My luck just made a big turn.

I'm starting to not give a fuck about those things, especially with that that lucky dungeon that had a lot of horse armor, redstone, saddles and an enchanted book. (Knockback II)

New mineshaft, new minecarts with rails, more spiders and cave spiders and.. witches? Shit jut got real. Very real.

Oh, don't mind that Spider dungeon. That's no biggie.

Wait.. are those?! They can't be! That's just weird. Is that a chunk error or something. Squids?!?!?!

Nope, not a chunk error. Think of it as a very square beach. The hole above was about 8-10 blocks from the surface. That was a rare find. I wonder what biome this is.

What the hell? Is that a Zombie dungeon? Yep. With a-? Yep. A Leather-armored zombie? Yep. The title says it all.

Epilogue: A little while after, I returned home. I had accidentally slept in my old house again so I woke up to this. This is one of the best things I have ever seen. A Skeleton with full Gold armor and an enchanted bow. I have learned nothing in my mining sessions. Now, I'm probably masturbating. Also, can someone make me an appointment for a psychiatrist? I got turned on by this picture a bit and I want to consult a doctor.

The End.

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Minecraft: The Weekly Adventures of Noobery

Well, I finally have something to post about here and it's Minecraft-related. Phew, I thought I had to delete this blog so I could focus on theAlmostDailyCrapTalker blog since it's more popular.

Anyway, I'll do this thing weekly or bi-weekly. Plus, you'll finally see my crazy adventures outside of Instagram. (if you follow me. If you don't, follow me now!)

This week's adventure is mining on an abandoned mineshaft. Not much. I'll show you my stuff before I get to the crazy shit. I got the buckets, ingots, coal saddles, redstone and golden apples in a spider dungeon before I got stuck in the mineshaft.

So yeah, mineshaft.. abandoned.. yada yada yada... Here's the crazy shit: there was a zombie dungeon there, but not just any zombie dungeon!

Yep, that's right! A Baby Zombie dungeon in a generated in a mineshaft. Cool right? Unfortunately, I couldn't get a pick of the Baby Zombie Villager that was there before I killed it. It still had regular zombies and a spider too.

Well, that was crappy. Hopefully, next week's crazy adventure would be more interesting. Anyway, here is some random screenshots I found that have nothing to do with all this.

Yeah, I know right? A Baby Zombie Pigman and an above ground Skeleton Dungeon. That was from Christmas.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

It's been a long time...

Yeha.. title says it all! It's been almost two months since I last posted here. No excuses... it's.. just been great with the other blogs. So, I'm going to focus on video games and comics here... which is hard since I only have like 4 comic books (for now) that were like 4-5 years ago and limited XBox 360 games. But the day will come when I will write reviews about mainstream games and updated issues of comic books. Until then.....