Friday, November 15, 2013

Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.8.0: Big Shit Planned!

Hi... let's make this quick. Sorry for not posting much... blah blah blah...

and... on to the actual blog post! The Pocket Edition team has some big stuff planned for 0.8.0... and also 0.9.0. We're going to have a taste of the PC version for 0.8.0 but for 0.9.0, the almost whole package! Yeah, the keyword is almost. I thought 0.8.0 was going to be released before, during or after Minecon but the development team called bullshit on that one. Oh, also, I didn't go to Minecon.

Anyway, we got some crap we already have seen on the PC port but we also have some version-exclusive things planned. But I think they're going to add some of that shit to the PC port sooner or later. Johan, Tomasso, Amir and Jeb have some pretty big developments for 0.8.0 and 0.9.0. Johan and Tomasso have been focusing on some PC items and blocks like Iron bars, Pumpkins, Hay Bales, Carpets and not to mention Pumpkin pie! Amir's working on some Realms and multiplayer stuff that won't even matter cause the updates focused on bringing the Pocket Edition closer to PC. I don't know what Jeb's doing. Amir, Jeb... get your shit together, okay.

As for the big one (0.9.0), we got some biomes, infinite worlds, world sizes and some other cool shit you bitches might like.

Let's look at the new features:
For 0.8.0, we're looking at a partial PC experience that'll warm us up for 0.9.0 like...

Pumpkins and Pumpkin Pie
Iron Bars
Some new options
Birch, Spruce and Jungle Wood (Jungle's creative only.. for now), slabs and stairs
Hay Bales
Rails (powered and ordinary; Powered is always powered)
Jack O' Lantern
Beets, beetroots and... beetroots soup? (version exclusive; the beetroots soup texture looks like mushroom stew)
Render distance Far and Near
Redstone (useless crap until 0.9.0 and beyond; you can still craft it into Redstone blocks, though)
Clocks and Compasses
Minecarts (rollercoasta, bitches?)
Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone Walls
Wood can now point sideways (if you know what I mean)
And much, much more! 

For 0.9.0, it's basically going to be a downgraded but overall less expensive port of the PC. Win!

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