Friday, November 15, 2013

Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.8.0: Big Shit Planned!

Hi... let's make this quick. Sorry for not posting much... blah blah blah...

and... on to the actual blog post! The Pocket Edition team has some big stuff planned for 0.8.0... and also 0.9.0. We're going to have a taste of the PC version for 0.8.0 but for 0.9.0, the almost whole package! Yeah, the keyword is almost. I thought 0.8.0 was going to be released before, during or after Minecon but the development team called bullshit on that one. Oh, also, I didn't go to Minecon.

Anyway, we got some crap we already have seen on the PC port but we also have some version-exclusive things planned. But I think they're going to add some of that shit to the PC port sooner or later. Johan, Tomasso, Amir and Jeb have some pretty big developments for 0.8.0 and 0.9.0. Johan and Tomasso have been focusing on some PC items and blocks like Iron bars, Pumpkins, Hay Bales, Carpets and not to mention Pumpkin pie! Amir's working on some Realms and multiplayer stuff that won't even matter cause the updates focused on bringing the Pocket Edition closer to PC. I don't know what Jeb's doing. Amir, Jeb... get your shit together, okay.

As for the big one (0.9.0), we got some biomes, infinite worlds, world sizes and some other cool shit you bitches might like.

Let's look at the new features:
For 0.8.0, we're looking at a partial PC experience that'll warm us up for 0.9.0 like...

Pumpkins and Pumpkin Pie
Iron Bars
Some new options
Birch, Spruce and Jungle Wood (Jungle's creative only.. for now), slabs and stairs
Hay Bales
Rails (powered and ordinary; Powered is always powered)
Jack O' Lantern
Beets, beetroots and... beetroots soup? (version exclusive; the beetroots soup texture looks like mushroom stew)
Render distance Far and Near
Redstone (useless crap until 0.9.0 and beyond; you can still craft it into Redstone blocks, though)
Clocks and Compasses
Minecarts (rollercoasta, bitches?)
Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone Walls
Wood can now point sideways (if you know what I mean)
And much, much more! 

For 0.9.0, it's basically going to be a downgraded but overall less expensive port of the PC. Win!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Minecraft Snapshots 13w41a & 13w41b

Pre-release of 1.7? Sure!

Here are the latest thing added in the snapshots for this week:

Stained Glass - crafted the same way as Stained Clay
Stained Glass Panes - crafted the same way as Glass Panes but with Stained Glass
Iron Bars now connect to Glass Panes and vice versa
Some new changes to Network codes, servers lists, Settings menu and Locked Chest (what the hell is that?)
A few bug fixes

Bug fixes
Most notably, the bug about Stained Glass Panes yielding only 6 as opposed to 16

13w41b (re-upload)
Fixed some things about the server icon

Lame snapshots. Except for the Glass and Glass panes things, though. That was cool as fuck.

@deadpool2416 - Instagram and Minecraft username
@pi2416 - Twitter

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Minecraft Snapshot 13w39a and 13w39b

I forgot to do this for Snapshot 13w39a so I'm going to do it for both 13w39a and 13w39b. Since 13w38c, not much has been added other than bugs fixes. There are a few more or less kick-ass features.

Let's start with the lame-ass bug fixes:

Snow golems die in Extreme Hills at the altitude of 95, where snow generates.
Rain doesn't generate sound and/or particles on some biomes. (Extreme Hills, Forest and most new biomes have shown this trait)
Arrows don't get extinguished from rain.
Bugs on the sound of XP orbs.
Command Blocks ignore the gamerule "commanBlockOutput"
Super Secret settings don't do anything (worthless piece of crap)

Here are the more epic ones (at least when compared to the gay bug fixes) that have been added:

Minecraft with Command Block (can only be obtained through the /give command)
Enchanted books can now have multiple enchantments
Orange Stained Clay generates in the Mesa biome (in place of Sandstone)
"Diamonds to you" achievement (obtained by throwing a diamond to a zombie and he picks it up. Gold fucking digger)
Red Sand (can be turned into Glass and crafted into TNT but cannot be crafted into Sandstone)

Still not much features as 13w38a, 13w38b and 13w39c but better than nothing.

@pi2416 (Twitter)
@deadpool2416 (Instagram and Minecraft username)
@Blood2416 (YouTube)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Hacked Injustice :P

Remember the post "Injustice is an Injustice!" ? Well, I finished it (forgot to take screenshots) and I wanted to do it again. But this time, I want it to be very easy. I don't want to relive the fucking pain that started over the summer so I just basically hacked it using iFunbox and a few hacked files.

Basically, I will be invincible. I will beat those who laughed at my face. Hear the Sinestro, Deathstroke and Superman? It's about to get fucking real. I'm at the battle before Doomsday so I'm pretty close to making Sinestro learn who should be really feared.

Also, the Raven challenge has started so it's time to get Bane Regime, Deathstroke and Doomsday Regime (my fucking epic line-up) leveled up.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Terraria, PS4 and other shit.

Terraria released a few weeks ago on the iOS and I've been trying to buy it. I've even starved the living hell out of myself from all the lunch money I've saved. God, I need help. Anyway, the only purpose for the first part of the post is to know what to earn for: The Steam version or the iOS version. 

Now, if I do buy the iOS version, I may want the Steam version too and buy it. Then, I'm going to delete Terraria from my iPad once I bought the Steam version. If I buy the Steam version, however, I may need to starve myself more. That sounds pretty fucking easy but the mini olympics on my school is coming up and I'm the main representative on Speed Stacks. 

Basically, if I buy the iOS version, I'll be wanting more (since the jackass iOS version still doesn't have multiplayer) features but I'll have more energy during the mini olympics since the iOS version costs less. The Steam version is amazing but, again, I'll have to be starving myself during lunch. Ugh....  I fucking hate these kinds of decisions.

Anyway, onto the next shit of the day! Next shit: PS4 talk. The PS4 looks great and my dad said he might buy it for Christmas but I oddly want the XBOX ONE (don't judge me bitch! It looks like an NES, which is my favorite console). I'll probably have to talk to my dad (the guy who suggested it for Christmas) about this shit. Probably doesn't matter anyway.... Minecraft is releasing to both consoles by the end of this year and that is just what I want. Go to hell, Terraria.

And yet no one wants the Wii U! The 8th generation of video game consoles has begun! 

Looks like we're going bankrupt by the 9th generation :P

Last part of the blog is about the 2013 VMAs. I don't normally talk about music so you better know when shit is about to get real. Anyway, you know the main subject for the 2013 VMAs: The Twerk of the Gigantic Twerp, Miley Cyrus. She's not being the role model she used to be. It's not just the VMAs, either. Have you ever seen the music video to her song We Can't Stop? It's just so... weird. She looks like an ugly whore. My title is specific, though. It said Terraria, PS4 and other shit (you know you it is).

Robin Thicke, the guy Miley twerked for, is probably getting slapped or has been slapped after this. It's weird how some people enjoyed this. It's so pukey (that's right, I ran out of words so I'm using a 2nd Grade word). I can't believe the 2013 VMAs even let this happen. Faith in Humanity lost!

But it's good to know Justin Timberlake won an award.

Ugh.... after watching half of Thicke's and Cyrus's performance, I'll make my kids not listen to music from this two people anymore. 

Blood2416 (Youtube)
pi2416 (twitter)
deadpool2416 (Instagram and Minecraft username)

Injustice is an injustice!

The title says it all. I can't believe how the bosses in Injustice are so fucking hard. How the hell did my classmate finish the fucking game? It's so hard! That's what she said.

Even with Lobo, Superman Regime, Black Adam Regime, Red Son Deathstroke, Green Lantern, Harley Quinn Insurgency, Elite II Green Arrow and Nightwing, the game still rapes my fucking sanity.

This guy wasn't too hard to beat but I don't have that many screenshots so I'm just including this guy. He's awesome even though he look like a weird guy from a disease-influenced apocalypse.

This is why I hate my fucking life. I don't know. even managed to do this. Whatever you did, I salute past Me.

When will it stop? My arm fucking hurts. It hurts so much I forgot to fap.

Not again, please no more! 


Anyway, I'm in an awesome yet irritating hell right now so bye now.

Blood2416 (Youtube)
pi2416 (twitter)
deadpool2416 (Instagram and Minecraft username)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

More Trigger Fist!

It was in a lame morning during a basketball training session of my brother and cousin. The bench I sat on sucked. It was cold, wet and.... a fucking corn dog? Anyway.... it started to rain so I moved to another bench and got bored. I had my iPad with me so what the hell... let's play some Injustice and Minecraft.

Unfortunately, the stage I was in Injustice was hard and I wanted to do that it my house so I played Minecraft instead. Since I have the PC version now, I'm like a noob with no damn skills at all in Pocket Edition. It's weird how Minecraft is so unique in each platform. Anyway, I didn't know what to play since I sucked like ass in 2Fuse, answered all of the questions on Icon Pop Quiz, too bored for Temple Run or Minion Rush and just taking a break from Infinity Blade. 

Then I thought of playing Call of Duty, but I can't since I don't have it. But there's the next big thing: Trigger Fist. I couldn't believe how long I didn't play this awesome game. When I started, I thought I was gonna suck dick but when I got a 10 kill streak and 0 deaths, it looks like Trigger Fist might be a typical subject of my shitty blog from now on.

Anyway, here are some screenshots of my epic as hell sessions:

What am I? A fucking mercenary? I wish I could.

I really missed King of the Hill.

Also, I am trying to beat my brother's 54 record. Mine is 49. Crap. Looks like an all nighter. Oh, also, brand new outro that's still fucking crappy!

Blood2416 (YouTube)
pi2416 (twitter)
deadpool2416 (Instagram and Minecraft name)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Dominating Injustice!

So now that I have Minecraft PC, I really haven't playing Minecraft PE. I also haven't been playing PvZ 1 or 2 because I am bored with those games (WTF? I really didn't think I'd be bored with those epic as hell games). N.O.V.A. 3, Trigger Fist and Infinity Blade.... same story. But Injustice stood out. For some reason it gets me pumping, especially with awesome villains like Bane, Lobo and the Joker and hotties like Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman. 

As you remember, I use Green Lantern, Nightwing, Harley Quinn and the Green Lantern. But a few weeks ago, I got enough money for a Gold Booster pack. Two weeks later, enough for another. Then yesterday I bought another one so my line-up has 3 Gold Characters. Regime Superman, Regime Black Adam and Lobo (fuck yeah!) sweep the floor with enemies like Wonder Woman, Doomsday Bane, Batman Beyond and Insurgency Joker. 

The picture below is when I bought the first booster pack and I was doing the Zod challenge. I just had to take a picture of the two epic enemies.

The second picture is when I bought the second booster pack and I was still on the Zod challenge. It was about to end and I had enough to buy a new booster pack. I didn't finish the challenges though :( 4/5 So fucking close! But anyway, here's the picture:

I know, right? Black Adam v.s. himself. Epic. I oddly won. 

Then, the final booster pack! I just bought it yesterday during the basketball training sesh of my brother and cousin. I was surprised to see the fucking ugly face of the epic Czarnian Lobo. Yeah. Epic.

So here I am buying support cards for my epic as hell cards so I can beat the crap out of the guys who used to make my battles difficult. (That's right, Sinestro! You got something to say to Superman's face?)

Twitter: @pi2416
Instagram: @deadpool2416

Friday, August 30, 2013

Deadpool and Assassin's Creed?

So i was playing Minecraft a few weeks ago and I just got bored (dun dun dun! How the hell did that happen). I tried to play on a few servers but I still got bored (WTF? Seriously? It's Minecraft for god's sake) Anyway, with all the boredom, I realized I needed new games for my laptop.

It wasn't until last week, though, when me and my brother bought some kick-ass games for MY laptop (yeah, hear that bro-bitch? Nah, just kidding. It's our laptop). I was so happy that I wasn't going to be bored anymore (No offense, minecraft). However, my brother said he will try out his games first since I am always using the laptop. Bitch.

The next five hours were complete hell to him. His games, NBA 2k13 and Grand Theft Auto collection, didn't work. I tried to talk to him but I think he was so mad that he could kill and rape without any remorse. I think he even shed a tear when NBA didn't work (yeah, he's that big a fan). It was midnight and he was so mad that he just went to sleep. I tried my games, Deadpool and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and one of them worked (Deadpool. Fuck off CoD: MW3!). The next morning, he was mad when he  found out one of my games worked and none of his did.

Fast forward to the next fucking week, Me, my brother and my cousin went to their basketball training. My mom was also there so she suggested to bring the games that didn't work because we might drive by the place that sold us the games. I didn't want to go so I just stayed on my cousin's house after. When I got a call from my brother, he said that the other games we bought weren't compatible with Windows 8 (yeah, we're all like rich-ass teens with bad jeans). The fucking lady from the store swapped the games with the only game from the store besides Deadpool that works on motherfucking Windows fucking 8, Assassin's Creed.

So, to summarize, I may be posting Deadpool and Assassin's Creed shit. I just have to learn how to make a screenshot. Hehe. Anyways, bye!

@deadpool2416 (name change on Instagram BTW. My twitter name is still the same though)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Minecraft PC!

Last Friday, my dad came back with a lot of stuff, including a laptop, a monitor, a lot of chocolate, some perfume, an iPhone 5, an iPad mini and some wires. When I saw the laptop, I was pretty fucking excited because I knew it was perfect for one thing: Minecraft PC. I had a lot of money so my dad agreed to buy it.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!?!?! Anyway, I had a few screenshots. Also, this is the reason why I haven't been posting in a while. But I have a perfectly good reason: MOTHERFUCKING MINECRAFT FUCKING PC!!

Without further a do, I give you, Minecraft PC!

Here I with my dog. I said to him "Get in the fucking pic!" If you are wondering why I have diamond tools already, I found a desert village with an Iron Pickaxe enchanted with Fortune I. My 14 diamonds became 34 :D Already in diamond armor!

More diamonds. But lava. DAMN IT!

Found a mineshaft. This makes fucking sense. But it doesn't have to. Why? Because budder, that's why!

Aww shit, it's a Cave Spider Spawner!

Loo at my epic as hell skin. Deadpool in a suit. No one can beat that! Username: deadpool2416

What the hell? More diamonds next to lava? You got to be fucking kidding me! OOHHH!  A bat!

More diamonds! Thank God it's not next to lava.

Anyway, I'll post the other screenshots in a later post. I'm going to go server hunting.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Epic Mobile Games

Wanna play Medal of Honor while on a train? Missing Halo while you are taking a shit? Minecraft while waiting for a meeting? Well, here are some games that are similar to PC, Xbox and PS3 games such as Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, Halo etc. but can be played on your mobile.

Trigger Fist - A very epic game which I play with my brother Cyle and my cousin Ross. It's a shooter game (The name is Trigger FIST but it's a shooter game, seems legit) where you make matches like free-for-alls, team deathmatches, King of the Hill and even Scared Goat (what the hell?!?!) with your team of four to battle another team of four. There is also an expansion pack where you can customize your armor and guns (GOLD GUN!). It is very similar to online matches on Call of Duty. I don't know what its price is because I downloaded it when it was free but I think it was anywhere from $1.99 to $4.99

N.O.V.A series - a game very similar to Halo and Metroid. Personally one of my favorites because I like Halo but I don't have an Xbox (or any console for that matter, Bad Luck Brian?). My favorite is N.O.V.A 3. You can also have multiplayer matches with using either your Local WiFi or Online with a Gameloft Live account. Again, I downloaded this when it was free so I don't know what its price is.

Minecraft: Pocket Edition - a game based on the PC and Xbox 360 editions but with lesser features and smaller worlds. I love this game but I really want more features added in the future. This is the only Minecraft port to have mixed reviews. Recent updates began making the port's reception rise and also its sales. It almost has surpassed the PC port with both games at 10 million downloads. Price: $6.99

NBA 2k13 - a game based on the PC and Xbox 360 editions. It is very epic and I recommend this to download.I really love the Greatest Games mode, especially with Dirk Nowitzki, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett and Michael Jordan (holy shit!). It is a bit laggy though. Price: $7.99 but I bought this when it was on sale $5.99

Modern Combat - A Call of Duty-like game which my cousin has. I don't have it but my cousin let me try it and it was awesome.  Modern Combat: Sandstorm HD costs $4.99 while Fallen Nation, Black Pegasus and Zero Hour (the crappy show from FOX?!!?!) all cost $6.99

Plants V.S. Zombies - The mobile port of the Game of the Year award-winning Popcap Game Plants Vs Zombies. I am very addicted to this game but it has only one missing feature: The Tree of Wisdom. That's just great! The only feature that was missing was my favorite! How fucking dandy! But anyway, great game and I recommend this for your mobile. It costs I think $6.99 or $7.99 for the iPad and $2.99 for the iPhone and iPod Touch.


Trigger Fist, Possible Broken cord of my iPad charger and gamingschedules

I had an epic battle with my cousin Ross yesterday. My team swept. I had the final kill, where I thought
it was Sonny but I found out it was Ross!

Second order of business, my iPad might be broke. It takes at least half a day to charge. This is why I don't play Minecraft, Infinity Blade, Trigger Fist, N.O.V.A 3 or any other of my games lately because of this (they fucking drain the battery quickly for unknown shit). Does any one know how to fix this?

Last, I'm thinking of making a schedule for my games. Since me and my brother share this iPad, I have limited time to play. We get 2 hours each so that's fucking dandy. Worst of all, once school starts in less than fucking 2 weeks, we'll only get an hour and a half. I'll think of a schedule before school starts.


MCPE 0.7.3 Update

It has been a short time since the last update and 0.7.3 already has confirmed shit. This is a minor update but it sounds like a major update to me.

 A lot of features have been said but not confirmed like:
Sun, moon and stars (I've been waiting for that ever since the clouds in 0.6.0)
A spider's eyes now glow in the dark (I have a mob spawner and I was wondering who was the asshole who killed me in the dark)
Some login and session changes
Splash text
Ability to reset your realms

And some bug fixes like:
A furnace crash bug
An inventory bug
"W" cannot be typed in chat



Saturday, July 20, 2013

Long weekend, Dead Glee cast member, Infinity Blade II and other shit.

Wooo! It's the weekend! Time to watch Futurama and blog like hell! Anyway, the President of the Philippines (a.k.a my country), Noynoy Aquino, will give a State of the Nation Address so I will have no classes on Monday. (more blogging and fapping!) So, I will make a crappy post on at least 3 of my blogs this weekend.

Next shit of the day, Glee cast member Cory Monteith (right spelling? I don't know, I'm a retard :P) died a few days ago. Now, I'm not a Glee fan nor will ever be but I'm just saddened that Glee will never have a proper ending. Like Slash, I will never want them to do a rock song. It will just be a big mess. Anyway, Rest in Peace Cory Monteith.

Third shit of the day, I found a seed on MCPE. Apparently, seeds that are numerical and have low value are actually good. (21 and 25 to name a few) 21 is actually awesome if you checked it. There is a lot of stone in this area of the map.

Here is an epic formation. This is one of the shit I like on maps. I mean just look at it.

Look at this wave. Its formation is funny as hell. It's like fucking Extreme Hills.

Next shit of the day, Infinity Blade II! It's pretty epic and I keep getting gems that have +Gold perks. I gained like $50,000 coins in just half an hour playing. I am loving this game. Do you guys want me to do a review? Of course not :P

Here's me about to defeat the Stone Demon. And FYI, I was lvl. 19 when I faced this lvl. 75 motherfucker.

Have you guys tried Clashmob yet? I keep on losing, especially to the damn God King. 

Fourth crap of the batch of crap today, here are some screenshots of Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time. Pretty epic game. I'm thinking of writing a review on it.

I am deeply addicted to this game. No joke. I would kill for it. No really but I could kill something like a carrot or a fucking spider.

Next shit of the day, I joined 5 Lifeboat Survival Games servers last night and this morning. I could've won this one game but the server suddenly stopped and I was all like "fuck you!" 

Who the hell loves swimming in lava?

You dense motherfucking asshole! He came out of nowhere with some guys and cornerec me. They weren't teaming, though. I think ToebuMa got knocked back by this guy with an Iron sword and he caught up with me.

What the fuck, bro?!?! I wanted to team with this guy named Co0ki3man92 and he rejected. Motherfucker. The worst part is he killed me after. >:( Little bitch (says the guy who's bitching about getting killed by a bitch)

This next game was epic. This is the game where the server stopped when I was about to win. I used the bridge to almost win. I'm glad chests gave me flint and iron. I was the least armored of all the people in the deathmatch. I think I had an Iron Helmet and a two pieces of Chain. I can't remember which but I'm pretty sure chain.

The Final Battle!

What the hell!?!?! Could've won this one. He probably had a lot of armor but my Flint and steel had a lot of durability left. So sad. This is why I hate these kind of servers. They are created in the West and Europe. Pretty fucking easy for me to get into a server, right?

Anyway, this is the game I got pretty lucky. I went with my usual strategy. I go to high ground and punch wood (the Lifeboat Survival Games let you mine blocks unlike those asshole PC servers) if I'm the baker class (it gives you 3 bread before the games start) or make mushroom stew if I'm the soldier class (gives you a wooden sword before the games start). I craft a sword, some planks if I want to do this certain parkour in the mountains with lava and a chest with good stuff. I did it on my last games (see above) and I got some Chain and Iron armor, flint and steel, a lot of food, a diamond, some feathers, a stick and an Iron Sword. If I don't get any armor or something better than a stone sword yet, I team with someone who does. 

I got lucky with this guy named Johny4012 (this is not a fucking double entendre). I asked if he wanted to team with me since I have a lot of food and he said yes. He gave me an Chain Helmet and Leggings and a few stone swords. I gave him most of my mushroom stew and a loaf a bread in return. I got a diamond before teaming with him. I think he gave me a few sticks and I crafted a diamond shovel (which is more or less stronger than an Iron Sword). 

I wanted him to win the Deathmatch since he let me have some many supplies. He was killed by this guy bigfanglol. I avenged his death later on. Johny4012, if you are reading this you good bastard, I would like to say thank you. It's pretty much like what Rue did for Katniss in the Hunger Games.

The server stopped while I was being praised by a few people. I collected bigfanglol's weapons and put a lot of dirt, sand and wooden planks all around the arena.

 This is how I celebrated (to the tone of Taio Cruz's Dyanmite): Put your fucking arms in the fucking air, arms in the fucking air, put your fucking arms in the fucking aaaiiiiirrrrr! Dun Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes, saying aaayyoo, gotta let go. I wanna celebrate and live my win , saying aaayyyyoo, Creeper let's go. Derp. I could have like a Platinum record right now. 

Last shit of the day, I played Injustice and got upset victories over extremely tough enemies like The Joker, Black Adam and Bane. I was like dancing when I defeated Bane, this huge motherfucker whose punch can get you to 3/4 of your original health.

Oh, BTW I'm not going to continue with this outro shit. I'm just going to put my Twitter and Instagram account on the bottom of this.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Blog, Exams Finally Over and other shit.

First shit of the day, my exams are finally over! I surprisingly did well on Araling Panlipunan (in the Philippines, it's History and Geography). I scored a 46/50. Math was abuse. It was like fucking hard not to get a headache. The smartest of us were the last ones to finish. Hopefully I passed.

But anyway, I'm glad it is all over so now I can finally post some shit. 

Oh, the second shit of the day is a new blog I'm creating. It's not an ordinary blog, though. It's kind of like a compilation of stories I got the idea when I wrote down this story when I was a child and I showed it to my classmates (who for some reason were already reading Twilight, so don't ask me how this generation was fucked up) and they liked it. I found it in one of my old bags that I haven't seen in years. A lot of crap there. I haven't published the first story, The thief yet. I'm still working on the horrific parts on that one. 

What I like about the new blog is that I don't have to update it daily or weekly. That takes away a lot of pressure in blogging. Anyway, if you like crime, horror, violence, thriller, fantasy, sci-fi and things related to those, then we could become best friends! (insert creepy smile here) But seriously, those will be the common genres of my stories.

I'll also put some stories in chapters. Why? Because I fucking feel like it, bitch! Nah, just kidding. It's because I like sequels to my stories. One is not enough, you know. If people had one eye, ear, nostril, foot, hand or breast, then will there would be sexy time... uh I mean... Oh you know what I mean. I would definitely recommend my blog to all of you guys, especially Hunger Games, Stephen King and 39 Clues fans.

Third shit of the day is a new Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless strategy. I haven't been playing Plants vs Zombies in a while so I figured, why not Survival: Endless? It's pretty much like my other strategies but with no Umbrella Leaves in the pool.

Don't ask why the second picture is fucking sideways.

Third shit, my Pocket Realms (a.k.a the asshole service who won't let me join a server) finally works. I was supposed to put the IP address of a server in my current network. Sorry for calling you an asshole.

I did Survival Games all night. I won my first games. I was supposed to take a picture of me being crowned the victor but I was kicked out too fast.

I only got two pairs of butter boots and a butter chestplate.

Here's me NOT being an asshole.

I also got social with some players like GymGirl17, Mrcoolguy35, Winkid, X__Rage__X, SkyTheKidRSXD and 4 other players I forgot.

Fourth shit, I made a simple mob trap. You a retard if you don't know how to make this.

If in that case you are a retard, here are the steps in making this trap.
Water buckets (x4)
Sand (x1)
Shovel (duh)
Cactus (x1-3)

Step one - Dig a 7x7 hole.
Step two - Dig out the middle block and replace it with sand. If it already has sand, skip to step three.
Step three - Place a piece of cactus in the middle. 1 is good but 2 and 3 are better.
Step four - Place your buckets of water on the corners.
Step five - Lure zombies, skelly bitches, spiders and creepers in your epic as hell mob trap.

Last shit, I went mining. Found like 5 diamonds, 6 butter and a lot of coal and iron. The last time I found diamonds (or go mining for that matter) was in the 3rd to the last week of summer. It's really nice to finally go back to the mines and get some swag. (note: do not say that. Whoever says that is a bitch and your zipper is open)
